Downtown Station

Cornerstone Properties

Railroad Square – 34 W 6th Street

Downtown Station Phase I

Project Status: Entitled

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Downtown Station Map

Project Description

The project site is 102,818.77 sf located at 34 6th Street, Santa Rosa, California. The site was previously a railroad yard and is currently within the TV-M-H-SA Zoning Dis- trict. The project as proposed is based on the draft preferred Downtown Station Area Plan development criteria.

The project consists of a 6 story residential/mixed-use building with outdoor community pool and open gathering space for residents and neighbors.

Project Information

ADDRESS: 34 6th St. Santa Rosa Station
PARCELS: APN 010-166-003 and 010-171-019
PHASE 1 LOT SIZE: 102,818.77 SF (2.3 Acres of a 5.4 acre site)
PROPOSED HEIGHT: 6 stories (6.0 FAR)
VEHICLE PARKING: 75 spaces (0.7 per unit) proposed (DSASP update proposes no minimum parking requirements)
BICYCLE PARKING: 110 (1 per unit) proposed (1 per 4 units required)
AFFORDABILITY: The project proposes to provide 8% restricted affordable units to low income households (9 units)
East End
Perspective at North Stoops

Proto-Typical Units

Residential Floor Plan

2 Bedroom / Family

Residential Floor Plan